Our Resources

Read more about our free resources.

Plan "Free"

  • Uptime 24/7
    Your servers will operate at uptime 24/7, provided there are no high loads at our locations. When the load on the location is high, the servers are turned off by administrators.
  • New versions of Java
    Our hosting supports new versions of Java, which will allow you to run the latest versions of the Minecraft game.
  • Improving server performance
    We have the opportunity to improve our server by simply accumulating game coins and purchasing the necessary resources in the resource store.
  • Convenient client panel and control panel
    Our convenient panels will allow you to work conveniently from any device. Everything is adapted.
  • Uploading your plugins and mods
    You can download your plugins and mods without using the plugin and mod installation manager. We have no download restrictions.

Plan "DiscordBots"

  • Latest versions of NodeJS
    New versions of NodeJS will allow you to run your modern bot using new libraries for feature extensions.
  • Python and JavaScript support
    Install your bot, which will be written in Python or JavaScript, which will work with many functions.
  • How to install more extensions?
    Open the main menu in the app and find the Extensions tab. Click on it to open the Extensions list.
  • Uptime 24/7
    Your discord bot will always be online and will not turn off until there is a high load on the location where your bot is located.
  • SFTP access
    All free plans include access to SFTP, which allows you to upload folders and files larger than 1 GB.

We are a hosting provider that provides the ability to create game servers as well as servers with certain technologies. This can be done immediately after registration

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